Hampden County Bar Association Legal Services
"Thank You" is not enough.
If you are a veteran and are in need of legal services, please contact the Hampden County Bar Association today.
When you call, a trained representative will briefly interview you about your legal situation to refer you to an attorney for an initial consultation or the appropriate veteran’s legal services agency.
MARCH Committee
The HCBA has enlisted members who have military-life experience to create an information hub for members of the HCBA legal community. This hub, called Military/Attorney Resource and Communication Hub (MARCH), was created to provide a central repository of legal and non-legal resources in Hampden County. In addition, MARCH will provide education and support to local lawyers on military/legal issues. For more information please contact Noreen E. Nardi or MARCH Chairperson, Attorney Katie M. McDonough.

Katie Manzi McDonough, Esquire
MARCH Chairperson

Taylor S. Lavallee, Esquire
MARCH Committee Member

Michael G. McDonough, Esquire
MARCH Committee Member

John C. Velis, Esquire
MARCH Committee Member

Ryan P. McLane, Esquire
MARCH Committee Member

Laura D. Mangini, Esquire
MARCH Committee Member

Todd G. Hobbs, Esquire
MARCH Committee Member

Thomas N. Wilson, Esquire
MARCH Committee Member