Katharine E. Shove-Harrington Esq.
New Lawyers Section Chair
The Hampden County Bar Association has a standing committee known as the New Lawyers Section (NLS). The NLS promotes the integration of the Bar's newest lawyers into our membership. The NLS provides many opportunities for new lawyers to become active within the legal community, including networking meetings, seminars, and evening socials. The NLS provides community service opportunities as well. The NLS has worked with Loaves and Fishes to serve lunch to Springfield's homeless population, sponsored a holiday toy drive benefiting Toys for Tots, and raised money for other charitable organizations. If you are new to the Bar in Hampden County, please join us at our next function. For more information or to join the New Lawyers’ Section, contact the HCBA office at (413) 732-4660 or email us.
2022-2023 New Lawyers' Section Executive Board
Chairperson: Katharine E. Shove-Harrington- Brodeur-McGan, P.C Send Email
Chair-Elect: Madison L. O'Brien, Esquire, Brodeur-McGan, P.C. - Send Email
Secretary: Kevin J. Hassett, Jr., Esquire, Western New England University. - Send Email
Treasurer: Sanjiv N. Reejhsinghani Esq. - - Send Email